Election Day Schema 🕯️
I wrote this in my journal this morning; then, I thought, maybe you'd like to read it, too.
Beal is a writer, naturalist, and gardener living in Upstate New York with her cat, Lunch Box Jones. She's a firm believer in strong coffee, plant wisdom, and uninterrupted wild spaces.
I wrote this in my journal this morning; then, I thought, maybe you'd like to read it, too.
In which the DIY Decade, social media, and the Great Grasping come to a head.
In which I bike 20 miles to buy eggs.
In which I opine on giving circles, the state of individual giving in the third sector, and offer a different (read: subversive) way of thinking about collective impact in nonprofit giving.
The more AI does our thinking for us, the less “human” thinking becomes. Which leads me to wonder what else Big Robot (read: ChatGPT) can take from us—and what might still remain uniquely ours.
Some bad stuff is happening to our glacial lakes. I say "no thanks," and you can, too!
I received an invitation from a former employer to re-join their Slack channel. Here's what I think about THAT.