It's Giving (Circle) Late Stage Capitalism, Baby! ✊

In which I opine on giving circles, the state of individual giving in the third sector, and offer a different (read: subversive) way of thinking about collective impact in nonprofit giving.

A group of people outdoors at night smiling at the camera before an all-night fundraising event.
Out here inspiring people to care about a cause.

Due to this being the End Times, I wouldn't be surprised if you, dear reader, found yourself Helplessly Hoping that ~gestures wildly~ all this gets better, somehow.

One way that folks (read: predominantly women) are channeling that feeling is by flocking to giving circles. The concept, roughly, is this: you and (40, 50, 90) other people pledge to donate a sum of money (say $25/month) on a recurring basis. Each month, or quarter, you get together to pool your funds and pay them out to an organization or cause that you have collectively chosen. Sometimes, your group is focused on a certain subject or cause or interest area. You feel better, having used your own agency and money to do something, for the love of God, anything in These Trying Times. Wash, rinse, repeat.